We are all now aware of the ‘4 week lockdown’ announced on Saturday evening by the Prime Minister.
I guess this outcome was inevitable given the rising infection rates through September and October, however, I think its prompt implementation of 5th November has taken many by surprise.
Having learnt so much about our business first time round; how we can operate both physically and virtually, I am confident that our plans for the coming weeks will not have a detrimental effect on our relationship, or how we interact with you. If anything, we may well communicate more than we do normally, something which we found has worked well this year.
In line with government advice, unfortunately we can not meet to share a cuppa with you face to face (with effect from today, Thursday 5th November). We can however still communicate by phone or meet virtually via Zoom, Facetime or Microsoft Teams, something that most of us have become quite adept at in 2020!
Active House will however remain open during November, operated by ‘skeleton staff’ to ensure all essential work is completed in a timely manner. All other members of the team, including advisers will be working remotely from home during this time, so will be contactable by mobile or email.
We will continue to keep you fully updated with developments that may affect you during these unusual times, with webinars and market updates being high on the agenda (please follow our social media channels for updates).
Thank you as always for your continued support. It is greatly appreciated.
If you would like to speak to someone about your own financial planning, visit the Active website here
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