Active’s Paul Gibson and Andy Mitchell are taking on another cycling challenge for charity this October. This time the guys are cycling from Manchester to Blackpool, throughout the night to raise money for the British Heart Foundation (BHF).
The 54 mile cycling challenge starts at midnight from the Emirates Old Trafford Cricket Ground. From there they will cycle through the Lancashire countryside heading towards the famous Blackpool Illuminations, which will be left on all night exclusively for this special event.
The BHF raises money to fund research to keep hearts beating and blood flowing. Their vision is a world without heart and circulatory conditions like heart diseases, stroke, vascular dementia and their risk factors like diabetes.
The charity has helped halve the number of people dying from heart and circulatory disease in the UK, but sadly every day hundreds of people still lose their lives.
“Andy and I have both sadly lost close family members to a heart attack” comments Paul “earlier this year I lost my auntie and Andy’s dad passed away at just 43 years old; this is why we both feel passionate about raising money for this charity” .
If you would like to donate, please click here