We are so happy to spread some Active spirit among two Teesside charities by donating food and gifts this Christmas.
For the past five years the team have donated money instead of sending Christmas cards, raising well over £200 this year to split between the Teesside Charity* (who we are also patrons of) shoebox appeal and Cause Christmas Hampers.
For Cause Christmas Hampers we buy items for a food hamper and a small gift for members of a designated family. For the shoebox appeal this year Teesside Charity are accepting cash donations so the team can buy toiletries, socks, gloves and other essentials making up shoeboxes for homeless people in the area.
“We were delighted to have raised so much money again this year” says Karen Lofts, client support manager “to provide some lovely gifts for people in our area who might be struggling this Christmas really is heart-warming”
“Our family for the hamper this year was a mum, dad and five children (teenagers and little ones) so it was very difficult to choose gifts and stretch the budget that bit further” added Rachel McCulloch, executive support manager
“for the food hamper, we’ve bought essential food cupboard items; longlife milk, soups, tins, rice, pasta and sauces.”
Karl Pemberton, MD said: “I’m incredibly proud of the whole Active team for coming together to help Teessiders in need this Christmas; special thanks go to Karen & Rachel who put a lot of hard work into pulling this together”.
*formerly the Middlesbrough & Teesside Philanthropic Foundation
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